
How to Enable Dark Mode in Windows 11

Windows eleven has arrived for beta testers, and it looks make clean and vivid. Perhaps as well bright for some. Not to worry—night mode is among the many features coming over from Windows 10. And there are a number of things you tin exercise with themes and accent colors for an fifty-fifty more customized OS. Here'southward how to set up and personalize night mode on Windows eleven.

Choose a Theme

To change the color of Windows xi, open Settings > Organisation > Personalization. From this menu, y'all tin can select a theme to employ to all your Windows menus. These themes may modify your background, desktop icons, taskbar, accent colors, apps, and settings menus. Windows 11 comes with several pre-loaded themes, some of which plough different elements black. There is an official dark theme, but the Glow and Captured Motion themes also give you dark way.

windows 11 personalization

Y'all might think you're done after this, but there are several options to consider if you want to fully customize your called theme.

theme settings

Under Settings > Arrangement > Personalization > Themes, yous can choose Browse themes to open the Microsoft Store and add new themes to your computer.

Click Contrast themes to open accessibility settings with themes for depression vision and low-cal sensitivity. (Y'all tin likewise get here via Accessibility > Contrast themes.) Several of these themes add black elements to Windows 11. Cull your preferred theme from the drib-down menu and hitting Apply. Select Edit to alter private color elements for each theme.

contrast theme

Customize Colors

Instead of a preset combination of changes, y'all may instead prefer to change individual colors and customize what is and isn't affected by dark mode. From the Personalization screen, go to Colors. You tin then set a more traditional dark mode or change accent colors.

color menu

Open the Choose your fashion drop-down card to choose betwixt Light, Dark, and Custom. This will modify the color of menus within Windows xi, but won't alter the background. Click Custom and yous can select which Bone components will apply Night and which will use Light.

custom colors

Nether the Emphasis colors department, y'all can pick your preferred color to be used alongside the mode you chose. Either select from the pallets offered by Windows or click View colors under the Custom colors bill of fare to create your ain colour. Other options let you to control where these emphasis colors volition announced, such every bit the taskbar and title bars.

Near Jason Cohen


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