
New George Clooney Movie 2017

The Midnight Sky review: George Clooney in a moving sci-fi drama

Environment 16 Dec 2020
George Clooney as Augustine and Caoilinn Springall as Iris

George Clooney as Augustine and Caoilinn Springall every bit Iris


George Clooney's last pic equally director, Suburbicon, was universally panned on its 2017 release, but the player-turned-director is now back with The Midnight Heaven, a deeply moving post-apocalyptic sci-fi drama in which he besides stars. Adjusted from Lily Brooks-Dalton's best-selling 2016 novel, Goo d Morn, Midnight, it follows a survivor of an apocalyptic event attempting to salve what is left of humanity.

Information technology is set in 2049 in the wake of an unspecified global catastrophe that has rendered the planet largely uninhabitable. Augustine Lofthouse (Clooney) is the sole resident at an Arctic circle research facility, trying to beam signals to a spaceship that is returning home after seeking out new worlds. The ship's oblivious crew, drastic to be reunited with their loved ones, are puzzled when they neglect to communicate with Earth. Every bit their journey proceeds, pregnant Sully Rembshire (Felicity Jones) and Commander Gordon Adewole (David Oyelowo), the unborn kid's father, encounter further obstacles. There is also a powerful supporting cast including Tiffany Boone, Kyle Chandler and Demián Bichir.

A down-hearted Augustine, suffering from an undisclosed final illness, discovers that although the facility was evacuated and about of its inhabitants airlifted to prophylactic, a young girl named Iris (Caoilinn Springall) was accidentally left backside. With his health in gradual pass up, and finding himself plagued by painful memories of lost love and missed opportunities, he is determined to save Sully and the residuum of the coiffure somehow. Augustine and Iris commence on a treacherous journey in sub-zero temperatures to a nearby communication centre, hoping their message tin can be received by the ship and its coiffure.


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With an temper at times reminiscent of Steven Soderbergh's Solaris and Cormac McCarthy's The Road, The Midnight Sky feels like a very personal project for Clooney. The motion picture is sleek, if disjointed – information technology feels similar two carve up stories take been stitched together thanks to a slightly meandering screenplay – but this simply enhances the suspense, allowing each plotline to live in its ain space.

As manager, Clooney extracts some impressive performances from his cast, once over again demonstrating equal ease behind and in front of the photographic camera. Grunting backside an impressively long and greying beard, he is about unrecognisable as Augustine, a man aiming to correct all the wrongs in his life with 1 last heroic act.

The Midnight Sky is shot with a bully eye by cinematographer Martin Ruhe and elevated by Oscar-winning composer Alexandre Desplat'south stunningly mournful score. With some dazzling action prepare pieces, about notably an awe-inspiring spacewalk sequence culminating in a shocking tragedy, it is refreshingly free of obvious tropes and represents a return to grade for Clooney's directorial career.

Overall, this is a middle-warming story that explores the human condition with meticulous precision. Although it borrows heavily from more accomplished productions, there is no denying that this is a movie full of heart and ambition.

The Midnight Sky will be available on Netflix from 23 Dec.

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  • scientific discipline fiction
  • sci fi


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